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High Authority Backlinks List: SEO Optimization

High Authority Backlinks: SEO Optimization
If you have your own blog or website and want to increase its traffic then, continue reading this article. Today, I will share a high authority backlink that can increase the organic traffic of your website or blog.

High Authority Backlinks

High authority backlinks means when you get backlinks from high ranked website by search engines. Your website should not get backlinks from spammy website which can affect your website ranking
People can find many ways to earn money online, but few can earn actual money. If you have a blog or website, just writing content and publishing it will not help you earn money online. Your blog/Website must have a lot of organic traffic coming from search engines.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is when people visits your website when they search a relevant term in search engine like google, bing and yahoo not coming from referel websites or paid ads.
Most of us start a website and get traffic from social media which is not helpful if you want your website to rank on google and get Adsense approval.  

If you are wondering what are backlinks? let's discuss the basics..


Backlinks are links that search engines and humans follow to your website from other websites. 
Why Important?
Because if you want your website to rank high in google or other search engines. Then, it is important to have a lot of traffic coming to your website from high authority websites and blogs. It only happens, if you approach the top bloggers or websites related to your website and share your work with them. There is a chance that the website will give a backlink to your website on their website. 

But if you are a new blogger, then it is very difficult to get a high authority backlinks for a new website. What is the solution? 

You are lucky, there are some websites available that provide high authority backlinks even if you have a new website. Here are two websites with .org extension to get high authority backlinks to your website.


Frist website is which is a research network. You can register at this website and create your profile where you can add high authority backlinks to your websites while setting your profile.
Now follow the steps to register and update your profile at Frontiers.
1. Go to Frontiers. Click on the Register button on the right corner.

2. You will see a page where you can choose to log in through facebook, linkedIn, Twitter and your email address. Select your desired option.

3. If you have selected an Email option, then you will get Register Account form to fill your name, email, and password. In the last box, you will choose images to verify. Then click on the Continue button.

High Authority Backlinks List
4. After Registering, You will see your registered name on the right corner as shown in the figure below with arrow.

5. Now Click on your name, you will see the page shown below. In this page, you can update your Bio information to include the links of your website.
6. The below image shows red boxes, where you will update your information. In the first box Brief boi, write information about yourself and add links to your website. You will add your expertise in the second box. Social profiles box will allow you to give links to your social profiles like twitter and websites. This is another chance to add high authority backlinks to your websites.
7. You are all set. Now you can check whether the given links are working or not by clicking them. 
Secondly, you can Right Click on the link and go to Inspect option that will show you the right side as shown in the below image where you can see in the highlighted box that link to your website is the doFollow link. 

Congratulations !!!!!! You are done with setting doFollow high authority backlinks to your website or blog from a highly ranked website. 
If you are wondering what is doFollow link then here is my understanding to it
doFollow high authority backlinks allows search engines and humans to reach to your website increasing your organic traffic
I hope it will help you to increase your website traffic. Do let me know in comments if you want more articles on getting high authority backlinks.  
